About us

our team


Travis has been in the moving industry for over 20 years, and he brings those years of experience and knowledge of the "Do's & Don'ts" of the industry.

He believes that we need to be transparent with our clients; provide clear communication and carry ourselves with integrity. Travis is a hardworking man with a passion and love for what he does.

Travis has a keen eye for detail and organization. He knows that moving is hard on families and businesses alike and wants his team to make your move as seamless and efficient as possible.


Bernadette brings with her a working knowledge on the day-to-day operations side of the business. With her professional customer service skills, knowing the importance of meeting deadlines, and how to establish a productive work-flow to bring your move full circle.

She is diligent and has a keen eye for detail so that your estimates are accurate. Bernadette also brings an "I CAN'T, WE CAN!" philosophy, to work as a team to get the job done.

Together, they train their staff so that they are well prepared to handle your move with care.

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